Faculty Publications
Sr. No. | Title of paper | Name of the Author/s | Department of the Teacher | Name of Journal/ Conference | Year of Publication | ISSN Number |
1 | Smart Irrigation System Using Iot | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) | 2023 | 2320-2882 |
2 | Power Generation Through Magnetic Coupling | Mr. Kishan M. Patil | Mechanical | International Journal of Research Publicationand Reviews (IJRPR) | 2023 | 2582-7421 |
3 | Mechanical Behaviour, Characterization and Finite Element Analysis of Neat Epoxy and Epoxy Composites Containing Multi- Walled Carbon Nanotubes | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | SAMPE Conference Proceedings | 2023 | |
4 | Effect of MWCNTS on mechanical properties of woven fabric hybrid polymeric nanocomposites and finite element analysis of nanocomposite | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) | 2023 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-023-01225-8 |
5 | Analysis of functionally graded metal foams for the accomplishment of heat transfer enhancement under partially filled condition in a heat exchanger | Prakash H Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran, Moghtada Mobedi | Mechanical | Energy | 2023 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.125691 |
6 | Characterization of Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy-A review | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2018 | 554ÔÇô562 |
7 | Development of 12 Channel Temperature Acquisition System for Heat Exchanger Using MAX6675 and Arduino Interface | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2018 | pp 119ÔÇô125 |
8 | Novel machine health monitoring system | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2019 | ´╗┐ |
9 | Development and experimental assessment of a fluid flow monitoring system using flow sensor and Arduino interface | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
10 | Multipoint milling tool supervision using artificial neural network approach | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
11 | Characterization and system identification of XY flexural mechanism using double parallelogram manipulator for high precision scanning | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2020 | ´╗┐ |
12 | Design, development and implementation of the position estimator algorithm for harmonic motion on the XY flexural mechanism for high precision positioning | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | MDPI | 2020 | ´╗┐ |
13 | Na├»ve Bayes and Bayes Net Classifier for Fault Diagnosis of End Mill Tool Using Wavelet Analysis: A Comparative Study | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | Elsevier | 2022 | ´╗┐ |
14 | Modeling and Analysis of Unmanned Remote Guided Vehicle on Rough and Loose Snow Terrain | Dr. Sharad Sampatrao Mulik | Mechanical | arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.04952 | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
15 | Effect of In Fill Patterns on 3D Printed Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Based Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Nanocomposite on Mechanical Properties | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | SAMPE neXus | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
16 | ÔÇ£Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene based Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene nanocomposite Using Fused Deposition MethodÔÇØ | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | NANOCON | 2018 | ´╗┐ |
17 | A Review on the study of polymers and recent development and future challenges in Materials for Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | International Journal on research and development on Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing Tehcnologies | 2019 | ´╗┐ |
18 | Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Based Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Nanocomposite Fabricated Using Fused Deposition Method | Dr. Sachin C. Kulkarni | Mechanical | SAMPE 2019-Charlotte, NC, May 2019 | 2019 | ´╗┐ |
19 | Heat transfer optimization using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network in a heat exchanger with partially filled different high porosity metal foam | TS Athith, G Trilok, PH Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran | Mechanical | Elsevier-Materials Today Proceeding | 2022 | ´╗┐ |
20 | Thermodynamic analysis of entropy generation in a horizontal pipe filled with high porosity metal foams | PH Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran, DA Perumal | Mechanical | Elsevier-Materials Today Proceeding | 2022 | ´╗┐ |
21 | Performance score based multi-objective optimization for thermal design of partially filled high porosity metal foam pipes under forced convection | PH Jadhav, G Trilok, N Gnanasekaran, M Mobedi | Mechanical | Elsevier-International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 2022 | ´╗┐ |
22 | Performance evaluation of partially filled high porosity metal foam configurations in a pipe | PH Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran, DA Perumal, M Mobedi | Mechanical | Elsevier-Applied Thermal Engineering | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
23 | Optimum design of heat exchanging device for efficient heat absorption using high porosity metal foams | PH Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran | Mechanical | Elsevier-International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
24 | Conjugate heat transfer study comprising the effect of thermal conductivity and irreversibility in a pipe filled with metallic foams | Prakash H Jadhav, Gnanasekaran Nagarajan, D Arumuga Peruma | Mechanical | Springer-Heat and Mass Transfer | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
25 | Natural Convection Through High Porosity Metal FoamsÔÇöA Numerical Study | Banjara Kotresha, Prakash H Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran | Mechanical | Springer singapore-Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
26 | Forced Convection Analysis in a Horizontal Pipe in the Presence of Aluminium Metal FoamÔÇöA Numerical Study | Prakash H Jadhav, Banjara Kotresha, N Gnanasekaran, D Arumuga Perumal | Mechanical | Springer Singapore – Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
27 | Numerical consideration of LTNE and darcy extended forchheimer models for the analysis of forced convection in a horizontal pipe in the presence of metal foam | Prakash H Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran, D Arumuga Perumal | Mechanical | ASME – Journal of Heat Transfer (American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection) | 2021 | ´╗┐ |
28 | A Computational Assessment of Different Materials and Variations in Thickness Ratio of Solid Blocks in a square Cavity – A Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis | Prakash H. Jadhav, N Gnanasekaran, D Arumuga Perumal | Mechanical | International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications | 2019 | ´╗┐ |
29 | Static Analysis of Mono Composite Leaf Spring for – Light Weight Vehicle | Prof. Manesh L. Thorat | Mechanical | IJCRT | 2018 | ISSN 2320-2882 |
30 | Vibration Analysis And Optimization Of Housing For Ecu In Automobile Using Fea And Fft Analyzer | Prof. Manesh L. Thorat | Mechanical | IRJET | 2019 | ISSN 2395-0072 |
31 | Experimental Analysis And Topology Optimization Of Lower Suspension Arm Of Car | Prof. Manesh L. Thorat | Mechanical | IRJET | 2019 | ISSN 2395-0072 |
32 | Implementation of automatic solar tracking and cleaning system | Prof. Manesh L. Thorat | Mechanical | IJARIIT | 2019 | ISSN: 2454-132X |
33 | Review on Defects in Hot Forging Process-Investigation | Prof. Manesh L. Thorat | Mechanical | IJSDR | 2018 | ISSN: 2455-2631 |
34 | Design, Fabrication and Testing of Evacuated Heat Pipe Solar Collector using Nanofluids | Mr. Shrikant Jadhav | Mechanical | IERJ | 2019 | ISSN 2395-1621 |
35 | PROCESSES FMEA ON SCREWING OF TERMINALS | Mr. Runwal Nitin Jalindar | Mechanical | IJIERT | 2015 | ISSN 2394-3696 |
36 | A Review on Electric Vehicles Challenges in India and A Case Study | Mr. Runwal Nitin Jalindar | Mechanical | JETIR | June 2019 | ISSN 2349-5162 |
37 | Optimization of Key Parts of Front Suspension System of Three Wheeler | Mr. Runwal Nitin Jalindar | Mechanical | IJARIIE | June 2019 | ISSN 2395-4396 |
38 | Comparative Evaluation of Compressive, Flexural Strength and Micro Hardness of Different Dental Materials | Mr.Kishan M. Patil | Mechanical | IJSRD | July 2016 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
39 | Effect Of Sliding Wear Rate And Staining Resistance On Indierect Composites | Mr.Kishan M. Patil | Mechanical | IJOER | 2014 | ISSN 2321-7758 |