First Year ÔÇö Conferences & Seminars


Conferences,Seminar’s & FDP’s

  • Innovative trends towards excellence in CETP Management- 6th to 10th April 2015
  • One day workshop on ÔÇ£Engineering Mathematics-III(Revised syllabus 2012 course)ÔÇØ- 21st June 2013
  • ÔÇÿSoft-ChemÔÇÖ A One Week State level Workshop – 5th to 9th July 2011
  • ÔÇÿANN  & FEA Applications in Electrical EngineeringÔÇÖ Three Days National Workshop – 1st to 3rd Mar 2007
  • ÔÇÿEn-ChemistyÔÇÖ A Four Days National Workshop – 18th to 21st Dec 2007
  • ÔÇÿEn-PhysicsÔÇÖ A Four Days National Workshop – 20th to 23rd Dec 2006
  • ‘En-MathematicaÔÇÖ A National Summer School 2006 – 15th to 27th May 2006
  • Nanostructured Materials in catalysis Workshop – 25th to 29 March 2019
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