About Us

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering was established in 2012. The department offers UG course in E&TC with the intake of 60. The goal of the department is to provide quality technical education in a perfect ambience for all-round development of students. To fulfill this goal, the department has well qualified and expert faculties and considered as the nerve of the department. The Department has 08 laboratories as per the curriculum which includes advanced equipments as per recent technology, also few laboratories upgraded under SPPU QIP grant. The laboratories are as per the curriculum such as Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics etc.
Mrs. Varsha Nitin Kshisagar
(Asst. Prof. & Head of E&TC)
The Department maintains a robust association with the industry for student training, student projects, industry visits expert lectures and for collaborations in research and development in emerging technology. An E&TC Engineer is capable to work at various levels of system designing like Electronic system design, on equipments of telecom industry or VLSI & Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc. These Engineers are able to design, fabricate, maintain, supervise and manufacture electronic equipments used in entertainment industry, computer industry, communication, defense, etc. Ever increasing pace of development in electronics, audio and video communications systems and the automation in industry have made an Electronic Engineer a catalyst for the change of the modern society. The primary objective of the department has been to impart quality education and cutting edge technology training to students. The department works hard in order to prepare students to face the challenges engendered by the industry and to provide holistic environment for overall personality development.
Department has formed an association of students, which explores various hidden qualities of students and prepare them to take on various real life problems. This forum is created by the students of the students for the students.