Sr. No | Faculty Name | Type of Programme | Title of Programme | Academic Year |
1 | Dhanashri N. Patil | 8-Week NPTEL course | introduction to C | 2017-2018 |
2 | More Sheetal Vilas | FDP | Embedded Systems & Internet of Things | 2017-2018 |
3 | Dhanashri N. Patil | One day FDP | Syllabus implementation of System programming and operating system | 2017-2018 |
4 | Mr. Bhimashankar K. Dhurape | 2 Days Workshop | Student-Centered Teaching Learning Practices | 2017-2018 |
5 | Mrs Tejaswita P. Vaidya | 2 Days Workshop | Database Management Systems | 2017-2018 |
9 | Girija G.Chiddarwar | 5 days | STTP on Machine Learning, ISTE sponsored | 2017-2018 |
10 | Girija G.Chiddarwar | Conference | INNOVATION- 2017 | 2017-2018 |
13 | Swati Joshi | Conference | INNOVATION- 2017 | 2017-2018 |
14 | Deepali Salapurkar | NPTEL Online Course | Theory of Computation | 2017-2018 |
15 | Mrs. Tejaswita P. Vaidya | Conference | INNOVATION- 2017 sem -II | 2017-2018 |
16 | Mrs. Tejaswita P. Vaidya | TTT | Train the Trainer at SKN, Pune | 2017-2018 |
17 | Mr. Kiran G. Shinde | TTT | Train the Trainer workshop | 2017-2018 |
18 | Mr. Kiran G. Shinde | TTT | Train the Trainer workshop | 2017-2018 |
20 | Mrs Manisha R. Dhage | TTT | Train the Trainer workshop | 2017-2018 |
21 | G T Chavan | TTT | Embedded System and Internet of Things | 2017-2018 |
23 | Mr. Kiran G. Shinde | Workshop | Student-Centered Teaching Learning Practices | 2017-2018 |
24 | Dhanashri N. Patil | FDP | Data Mining: Research Avenue and Tools | 2016-2017 |
25 | Mr. Bhimashankar K. Dhurape | FDP | Data Mining: Research Avenue and Tools | 2016-2017 |
26 | Deepali Salapurkar | FDP | Data Mining: Research Avenue and Tools | 2016-2017 |
27 | Girija G.Chiddarwar | Foundation Program | Foundation Program 5.0, Infosys | 2016-2017 |
28 | Mrs Manisha R. Dhage | Foundation Program | Foundation Program 5.0 Infosys | 2016-2017 |
29 | Mrs Manisha R. Dhage | Conference | INNOVATION -2016 | 2016-2017 |
30 | Bholane Shashank Prabhakar | Workshop | Conceptualizing Research | 2015-16 |
31 | Bholane Shashank Prabhakar | Workshop | Android Application Development | 2015-16 |
32 | Bhute Harsha Avinash | FDP | Android Application Development | 2015-16 |
33 | Chiddarwar Girija Giresh | STTP | Hands-on Training Using SCILAB and OpenCV for image processing | 2015-16 |
34 | Dhage Manisha Rajendra | Conference | Innovation -2015 | 2015-16 |
35 | Futane Pravin Ramkrishna | Workshop | Reseach Methodology | 2015-16 |
36 | Futane Pravin Ramkrishna | Seminar | Elsevier Connect Seminar | 2015-16 |
37 | Gatade Deepali Dhananjay | FDP | Emerging trends in data scince | 2015-16 |
38 | Gatade Deepali Dhananjay | Workshop | Big Data analytics and Hadoop | 2015-16 |
39 | Joshi Anita Ramchandra | Workshop | Workshop on Latex | 2015-16 |
40 | Kamalasekaran Jayanthi E. | Workshop | Advanced statistical methods and software tools for the analysis of data | 2015-16 |
43 | Laulkar Chaitali Abhijeet | Workshop | Research Methodology | 2015-16 |
44 | Manga Venu Ramulu | FDP | High Performance Computing and Cloud Computing | 2015-16 |
45 | Manga Venu Ramulu | FDP | Software Design Methodologies and Testing | 2015-16 |
46 | Manga Venu Ramulu | Workshop | LaTex | 2015-16 |
47 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | FDP | Introduction to Linux | 2015-16 |
48 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | Workshop | Android Application Development | 2015-16 |
49 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | Seminar | First GPU computing meetup and seminar | 2015-16 |
50 | Pawar Dipti Rohan | FDP | Smart System Design and Applications | 2015-16 |
51 | Pawar Dipti Rohan | Workshop | Advanced Statistical Methods and Software Tools for the Analysis of Data | 2015-16 |
52 | Pawar Dipti Rohan | Seminar | 1st GPU Computing Meetup and Seminar | 2015-16 |
53 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Workshop | MATHEMATCAL MODELING | 2015-16 |
54 | Pharande Neha Sadanand | FDP | IOT IN REAL LIFE : APPLICATIONS & PROJECT DEVELOPMENT | 2015-16 |
55 | Prasad Jayashree Rajesh | Other | Information Systems and Computer Applications, Part 1: IT | 2015-16 |
56 | Salapurkar Deepali P. | FDP | SOFT COMPUTING | 2015-16 |
57 | Salapurkar Deepali P. | Seminar | IoT & Cloud Convergence | 2015-16 |
58 | Salapurkar Deepali P. | STTP | Routing In Internet of Things | 2015-16 |
59 | Sale Malan Dipak | FDP | Hadoop Programming | 2015-16 |
60 | Suryavanshi Sushama Chandrakant | Seminar | IoT and Cloud Convergence | 2015-16 |
61 | Suryavanshi Sushama Chandrakant | STTP | Routing in Internet of Things | 2015-16 |
62 | Wable Supriya Diliprao | FDP | IOT in Real Life: Applications and Project Development | 2015-16 |
63 | Bhojne Nilesh Girijoba | STTP | Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence | 2014-15 |
64 | Bhojne Nilesh Girijoba | FDP | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
65 | Bhojne Nilesh Girijoba | FDP | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
66 | Bhojne Nilesh Girijoba | FDP | Faculty Development Program on Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming | 2014-15 |
67 | Bholane Shashank Prabhakar | FDP | Train the Trainer Program of S.E.(Computer Engineering) for the Subject CGG | 2014-15 |
69 | Bhute Harsha Avinash | Other | TRAIN THE TRAINER | 2014-15 |
70 | Bhute Harsha Avinash | Other | TRAIN THE TRAINER | 2014-15 |
71 | Bhute Harsha Avinash | Other | TRAIN THE TRAINER | 2014-15 |
72 | Chavan Gurunath Thavaru | FDP | Progamming Lab -IV | 2014-15 |
73 | Chavan Gurunath Thavaru | FDP | Data Communication and Wireless Sensor Networks | 2014-15 |
74 | Chiddarwar Girija Giresh | STTP | Soft Computing | 2014-15 |
75 | Chiddarwar Girija Giresh | STTP | Wavelet and its Applications | 2014-15 |
76 | Chiddarwar Girija Giresh | FDP | Operating Systems Design | 2014-15 |
77 | Dhage Manisha Rajendra | Workshop | Research Issues and Hands on in Wireless Sensor Network including NS-2 | 2014-15 |
78 | Dhage Manisha Rajendra | Conference | 2nd International Conferance on networks,Information and Communication 2015 ( ICNIC 2015) | 2014-15 |
79 | Futane Pravin Ramkrishna | Other | One Week Train The Trainer Programme For SE Faculties | 2014-15 |
80 | Futane Pravin Ramkrishna | Other | One Week Train The Trainer Programme for TE Faculties | 2014-15 |
82 | Joshi Anita Ramchandra | FDP | FDP on CUDA and OpenMP | 2014-15 |
83 | Joshi Swati Atul | Workshop | Operating System Design | 2014-15 |
84 | Kamalasekaran Jayanthi E. | STTP | Short Term Training Program on Privacy Preserving Data Mining | 2014-15 |
85 | Laulkar Chaitali Abhijeet | Workshop | NISAR Science Workshop | 2014-15 |
86 | Laulkar Chaitali Abhijeet | STTP | Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence | 2014-15 |
87 | Manga Venu Ramulu | STTP | Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence(STTP-MLCI) | 2014-15 |
88 | Manga Venu Ramulu | FDP | Android for Certificates | 2014-15 |
91 | Manga Venu Ramulu | Workshop | Workshop on Cloud Computing and Advanced Data Structure | 2014-15 |
93 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | Workshop | CUDA and OPENMP | 2014-15 |
94 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | Other | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
95 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | Other | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
96 | Patil Dhanashri Nilesh | FDP | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
97 | Pawar Dipti Rohan | STTP | Privacy Preserving Data Mining | 2014-15 |
98 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Conference | WIRELESS AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS | 2014-15 |
99 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Workshop | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | 2014-15 |
100 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Workshop | SOFTWARE ENGINEERIN | 2014-15 |
101 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Workshop | SOFTWARE TESTING | 2014-15 |
102 | Pawar Suvarna Sanjay | Other | TEACHER ADVANCED PROGREMME | 2014-15 |
103 | Prasad Jayashree Rajesh | Other | Staff Development Program SDP | 2014-15 |
104 | Prasad Jayashree Rajesh | Other | Introduction to TypeScript | 2014-15 |
105 | Prasad Jayashree Rajesh | Other | Introduction to Linux | 2014-15 |
106 | Salapurkar Deepali P. | STTP | Machine Learning & Computational Language | 2014-15 |
107 | Sale Malan Dipak | FDP | Train the trainer Program on Microprocessor Architecture | 2014-15 |
108 | Sale Malan Dipak | Workshop | Software Engg | 2014-15 |
109 | Sale Malan Dipak | Workshop | Software Testing &Quality Assurance | 2014-15 |
110 | Suryavanshi Sushama Chandrakant | Seminar | Big data and Hadoop | 2014-15 |
111 | Suryavanshi Sushama Chandrakant | Workshop | Cloud Computing, Big data and its Components | 2014-15 |
112 | Suryavanshi Sushama Chandrakant | FDP | Train the Trainer | 2014-15 |
113 | Vaidya Tejeswita Prasad | Workshop | Research in Wireless Network using NS-3 | 2014-15 |
114 | Vaidya Tejeswita Prasad | Other | Training for STP-IV teacher | 2014-15 |
115 | Wable Supriya Diliprao | STTP | STTP on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence | 2014-15 |
116 | Wable Supriya Diliprao | FDP | FDP on Forensics and Cyber Applications | 2014-15 |
117 | Wankhede Mahesh Prabhakar | STTP | Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence | 2014-15 |