Sr. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Faculty | Name of the Journal | Year | DOI | Web of Science/Scopus |
1 | Exploring malted barley waste for fungi producing surface active proteins like hydrophobins | Shraddha Kulkarni, Kalpana S.Joshi, Sanjay Nene | SN Applied Sciences | 2020-21 | | Web of Science |
2 | Exploring AyuGenomics approach for understanding COVID-19 predisposition and progression | Kalpana Joshi | Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM) | 2020-21 | | Scopus |
3 | Mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium ameliorates diabetic serum-induced insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 cells | Kalpana Joshi | Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine | 2020-21 | | Scopus |
4 | Exploring malted barley waste for fungi producing surface active proteins like hydrophobins | Kalpana S.Joshi, Shraddha S. Kulkarni, Sanjay Nene | SN Applied Sciences | 2020-21 | | Web of Science |
5 | Exploring malted barley waste for fungi producing surface active proteins like hydrophobins | Shraddha S. Kulkarni, Kalpana S.Joshi,Sanjay Nene | SN Applied Sciences | 2020-21 | | |
6 | Pre-conditioning of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Piper longum L. augments osteogenic differentiation | Kalpana Joshi | Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2020-21 | | Scopus |
7 | A comparative study of production of hydrophobin like proteins (HYD-LPs) in submerged liquid and solid state fermentation from white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus | Shraddha S.Kulkarni, Sanjay N.Nene, Kalpana S.Joshi | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
9 | Two new polyoxygenated flavonoids from Blumea eriantha DC, methanol extract and their anti-proliferative activity | Kalpana Joshi | Natural Product Research | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
10 | Association of EGF A61G polymorphism and EGF expression | Kalpana Joshi | Gene Reports | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
11 | Evaluation of the combinatorial effect of Tinospora cordifolia and Zingiber officinale on human breast cancer cells | Kalpana Joshi | 3 Biotech | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
13 | Conditioned medium of adipose derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells reverse insulin resistance through downregulation of stress induced serine kinases | Kalpana Joshi | European Journal of Pharmacology | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
16 | A comparative study of production of hydrophobin like proteins (HYD-LPs) in submerged liquid and solid state fermentation from white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus | Kalpana S.Joshi, Shraddha S.Kulkarni, Sanjay Nene | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | 2019-20 | | Scopus |
17 | A comparative study of production of hydrophobin like proteins (HYD-LPs) in submerged liquid and solid state fermentation from white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus | Shraddha Kulkarni, Kalpana S.Joshi, Sanjay Nene | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | 2019-20 | | |
18 | Association of EGF A61G polymorphism and EGF expression with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indian population | Kalpana Joshi | Gene Reports | 2019-20 | | |
19 | A comparative study of production of hydrophobin like proteins (HYD-LPs) in submerged liquid and solid state fermentation from white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus | Shraddha S.Kulkarni, Kalpana S.Joshi | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | 2019-20 | | |
21 | Two new polyoxygenated flavonoids from Blumea eriantha DC, methanol extract and their anti-proliferative activity | Kalpana Joshi | Natural Product Research | 2019-20 | | |
22 | Association of EGF A61G polymorphism and EGF expression with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indian population | Kalpana Joshi | Gene Reports | 2019-20 | | |
23 | Evaluation of the combinatorial effect of Tinospora cordifolia and Zingiber officinale on human breast cancer cells | Kalpana Joshi | 3 Biotech | 2019-20 | | |
25 | Conditioned medium of adipose derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells reverse insulin resistance through downregulation of stress induced serine kinases | Kalpana Joshi | European Journal of Pharmacology | 2019-20 | | |
27 | PEG-200 Assisted Sonochemical synthesis of cerium (Ce3+) doped copper Oxide (CuO) Nano-composites and Their Photocatalytic Activities | Prashnt Jolhe | American Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing | 2018-19 | | Web of Science |
29 | Anti-hyperglycemic and antihyperlipidaemic effect of Arjunarisht in high-fat fed animals | Kalpana Joshi | Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine | 2018-19 | | Scopus |
30 | Dietary pattern regulates fatty acid desaturase 1 gene expression in Indian pregnant women to spare overall long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids levels | Kalpana Joshi | Molecular Biology Reports | 2018-19 | | Scopus |
31 | Phytochemical characterization of ayurvedic formulations of Terminalia arjuna: A potential tool for quality assurance | Kalpana Joshi | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | 2018-19 | | Scopus |
32 | Global transcriptome analysis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves under salt stress reveals differential response at early and late stages of stress in table grape cv. Thompson Seedless | Manisha Shinde | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2018-19 | | Scopus |
33 | Phytochemical characterization of ayurvedic formulations of Terminalia arjuna: A potential tool for quality assurance | Kalpana Joshi | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | 2018-19 | | |
34 | Ultrasound Assisted Synthesis of Performic Acid in a Continuous Flow Microstructured Reactor | Prashnt Jolhe | Ultrasonic Sonochemistry | 2017-18 | | SCI |
36 | Production of Hydrophobins | Shraddha S. Kulkarni, Kalpana S.Joshi, Sanjay Nene | Process Biochemistry | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
37 | Gene polymorphisms of desaturase enzymes of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism and adiponutrin and the increased risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease | Kalpana Joshi | Meta Gene | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
39 | HLA-DRB1 class II alleles in Indian asthmatic population: A candidate gene environment interaction | Kalpana Joshi | Meta Gene | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
40 | Combination of Vitamin B12 active forms improved foetal growth in Wistar rats through up-regulation of placental miR-16 and miR-21 levels | Kalpana Joshi | Life Science | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
41 | Halloysite nanocontainers for controlled delivery of Gibberellic Acid | Prashnt Jolhe | Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
42 | Association of delta-6-desaturase enzyme activity and FADS gene polymorphisms with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease | Kalpana Joshi | Journal Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology | 2017-18 | NA | Scopus |
43 | Production of Hydrophobins | Kalpana S.Joshi, Shraddha S. Kulkarni, Sanjay N.Nene | Process Biochemistry | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
46 | HLA-DRB1 class II alleles in Indian asthmatic population: A candidate gene environment interaction | Kalpana Joshi | Meta Gene | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
47 | HLA-DRB1 class II alleles in Indian asthmatic population: A candidate gene environment interaction | Kalpana Joshi | Meta Gene | 2017-18 | | Scopus |
48 | Immobilization of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on novel matrix for ethanol production | Sudha Kulkarni , Mugdha Dicholkar | International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research | 2017-18 | | |
49 | Immobilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Corn Cob Matrix for Ethanol Production | Sudha Kulkarni , Mugdha Dicholkar | International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research | 2017-18 | | |
50 | Immobilization of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on novel matrix for ethanol production | Sudha Kulkarni , Mugdha Dicholkar | International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research | 2017-18 | | |
51 | Green Route for Silver Nanoparticles by Raphanus Sativus Extract in a Continuous Flow Tubular Microreactor, International Journal of Nanoscience | Prashant Jolhe | International Journal of Nanoscience | 2016-17 | S0219581X16500198 | SCI |
52 | Positive selection on a regulatory insertion-deletion polymorphism in FADS2 influences apparent endogenous synthesis of arachidonic acid | Kalpana S. Joshi | Molecular biology and Evolution | 2016-17 | | Scopus |
53 | DNA methylation detection at single base resolution using targeted next generation bisulfite sequencing and cross validation using capillary sequencing | Kalpana S. Joshi | Gene | 2016-17 | | Scopus |
54 | Molecular and cellular effects of vitamin B12 forms on human tropoblast cells in presence of excessive folate, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy | K. S. Joshi | Biomedicine and pharmacology | 2016-17 | | Scopus |
55 | Role of Spatial Inhomogenity in GPCR Dimerisation Predicted by Receptor Association-Diffusion Models | Deshpande, Sneha | IOP Science Physical Biology | 2016-17 | | |