Dean Administration
“Achieving Academic Excellence through innovative practices, while ensuring a holistic development of students and faculty through research, extra-curricular and social-environmental awareness“

Dean Academics
“Achieving Academic Excellence through innovative practices, while ensuring a holistic development of students and faculty through research, extra-curricular and social-environmental awareness“
At RMDSTIC, Warje, we strive to achieve the best in engineering and management education with a focus on research, academics and overall development of students. Mr. M. N. Navale, our honourable founder president has inculcated the values to continuously strive for excellence. As the Dean, Academics, I have ensured to build a system of excellent teaching-learning process by the inclusion of best practices such as Academic handbook, value added courses and student activities.
RMDSTIC, Warje is a preferred destination for students who wish to pursue engineering and management. Right from the beautiful clean and green campus, to the experiences faculty, well equipped infrastructure. Research oriented environment and ample of extra-curricular activities, RMDSTIC provides the students with the best of facilities and opportunities to pursue their education.
The placements at the institute are very good, and students are made corporate ready through an exhaustive Student Training Programme consisting of GD, PI, Aptitude, Technical training among many other things. We are proud of the good, positive environment we have built at the campus under the able guidance, encouragement and support of our Director, Dr. V.V. Dixit, who is our constant source of inspiration.
We are continuously motivated to strive to achieve the best in taking our campus to new, un-assailed heights.