
Undergraduate admissions
In today’s knowledge driven fast paced economy, high quality education is the core driver. Growing by leaps and bounds since the last 30 years, Sinhgad Institutes is taking forward the India growth story at a remarkable pace by enhancing human capital, the knowledge pool of our country consistently.
India has always shown great potential. With a committed political leadership, we are on the path of accelerated economic growth with consistent, sustained focus on quality education.

Post Graduate admissions
The name of Sinhgad Institutes is synonymous to academic excellence right from Kindergarten to Ph. D. across myriad fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, Law, Management, Architecture, Pharmacy and Health Sciences to cover Medicine, Dental, Nursing and Physiotherapy. The clear focus at Sinhgad Institutes, has always been and will continue to be on research,
consistently improving faculty training and quality to match the best global standards.
We are an educational conglomerate with a mission to impart value based education. We consciously inculcate the habit of
knowledge sharing with a 360 degree approach viz. students, faculty, industry and the society. The process sequentially involves
laying down a strong foundation of domain, enhancement through interactive process, developing commercial applications and
ultimately leading towards enrichment of the society at large. We are knowledge and solutions provider to leading corporates by
means of Consultancy, Management Development Programs, Executive Development Programs, focused training capsules and most
importantly, as one of the largest trainers of technical and management professionals. With international and large national
companies like Microsoft, J P Morgan, Reliance Communications etc. engaging with us, we contribute to the India growth story in
more ways than one.
The Sinhgad Group of Educational Institutes, spread over Maharashtra has presence to reckon with. The group is bench marked in
every aspect. It struck its foundation in 1993 to transform the dream of its visionary architect Founder President Prof. M. N. Navale into
a palpable reality. The entire Sinhgad Group has convincingly evolved into the most sought after education destination. Majority of
the institutes are duly accredited by NBA and NAAC, approved by AICTE and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Solapur
University, Mumbai University and Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. Its Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College
subscribes to the code of the MCI. Every institute has an independent presence with enviable state-of-the-art infrastructure and all the
facilities and resources, to label it an ideal place for learning. Invariably every campus has an impressive research center and extensively stocked library.
The world is fast converting to a knowledge economy
where the only wealth is information. Information, which
will lead you towards the direction of success. At Sinhgad
Institutes the sky is the limit in the pursuit of excellence,
Here, we aim at promoting a system of integral education
in a student friendly environment, we believe that our
assets are our students and we enable them to soar high;
morally, socially and spiritually. We believe that our
students need to learn that the secret of success and
contentment lies in discovering their own strengths as well
as limitations. The students are groomed into a complete
individual with quality of leadership in them.
We emphasize on sports, cultural activities and
extracurricular activities. This helps the students to
enhance their personality and progress laterally.

RMDSTIC is dedicated towards making quality engineers and good human beings who can create a niche for themselves in the society.
Admission Procedure
- Mention the Admission test taken with Name and address of the Test Agency and URL of their website.
- Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State (DTE MS) has adopted the entrance examination MHT-CET conducted by Govt. of Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell & JEE-Main conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSC), New Delhi (, .
- Percentage of seats allotted to the candidates as per the Test taken Maharashtra State (MS) candidates – 65% , All India candidates-15% , Institute Level for all candidates-20%
- Calendar for admission against instate level / vacant seats
The schedule or Centralized Admission Process (CAP) is notified by DTE MS. After the CAP rounds, admissions at institute level/ vacant seats are done. However, candidates should contact the office immediately after declaration of HSC, MHT-CET and JEE-Main results.
- Candidate should fill their online applications to Central Admission Process (CAP) for Institute level & Against Vacant seats if any.